• Children of Avalon

    Store: test6

    She’s a lonely daydreamer until ancient powers transport her to another realm. Can she save a legendary kingdom from the approaching darkness?

    Kyah ignores her boring life by keeping her head in the clouds. The twenty-five-year-old orphan is on the verge of being fired from her dead-end job for excessive daydreaming when one of her fantasies becomes a reality. A shimmering portal forms before her very eyes, and an unbelievable green-skinned man shoves Kyah through to the other side. She’s barely had time to comprehend this new world when a group of ancient beings send her on a sacred quest…

    Bestowed with previously-dormant special powers, Kyah must brave a strange land of living myth to save King Arthur and release Avalon from the grip of darkness. As she struggles to understand who and what she truly is, the former daydreamer has no choice but to stand up to the forces of evil.

    With time running out, can she save the land and thwart the darkness or will her latest fantasy become her last?

    Children of Avalon is the first action-packed epic in the Traveller series. If you like quirky but legendary characters, myths with a twist, and fantasy with a dash of science fiction, then you’ll love S.E. Wright’s thrilling novel!

    Store: test6

    Children of Avalon

    kr 20kr 25
  • John Henry Smith

    Store: test6

    Ross and me two strokes,” proposed Thomas, “we will play you for the dinners.”

    I felt sure it was a put-up job, but what could I say?

    “I did not dare choose you for my partner, Mr. Smith,” interposed Miss Dangerfield. “I know it is tiresome for a good player to go pottering around the links with women at his heels, and only suggested a game if you had no other engagements.”

    “Mr. Smith dare not plead another engagement,” asserted Miss Ross, her dark eyes flashing a challenge. She is a lovely girl, but digs up the turf terribly.

    “Smith has no game on. He has been over there talking for an hour,” added Thomas, before I could say a word. I could have murdered him.

    “I am delighted, and it is kind of you to ask me,” I lied most effusively. “It is an easy game for us, Miss Dangerfield.”

    “Do not be too sure,” scornfully laughed Miss Rosa. “Mr. Thomas is a splendid player.”

    Store: test6

    John Henry Smith

    kr 20kr 25
  • Games for Hallow-e’en

    Store: test6

    Hallow-e’en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, being the eve or vigil of All-Hallow’s or All Saint’s Day, and no holiday in all the year is so informal or so marked by fun both for grown-ups as well as children as this one. On this night there should be nothing but laughter, fun and mystery. It is the night when Fairies dance, Ghosts, Witches, Devils and mischief-making Elves wander around. It is the night when all sorts of charms and spells are invoked for prying into the future by all young folks and sometimes by folks who are not young.

    Store: test6

    Games for Hallow-e’en

    kr 20kr 25
  • Falling in with Fortune

    Store: test6

    In the present tale our hero, by a curious combination of circumstances, becomes
    the private secretary to a rich lady, and travels with this lady to England and
    other places. The lady has a nephew whose character is none of the best, and as
    this young man had formerly occupied the position now assigned to Robert, our
    hero’s place becomes no easy one to fill. Yet his natural stoutheartedness helps
    him to overcome every obstacle and brings his many surprising adventures to a
    satisfactory ending. 

    Store: test6

    Falling in with Fortune

    kr 15kr 20
  • Adamant

    Store: test6

    Ever since a devastating magical war tore apart Ada Fletcher’s homeworld, she and her family have lived undercover on the low-magic Earth. Stuck in a dead-end job in London, Ada has spent her life hiding both her true identity and her forbidden magic from the Inter-World Alliance: the organisation that polices the Passages between Earth and its magical neighbours.

    At least until a high-ranking Alliance official is murdered, and Ada is arrested as the main suspect.

    Kay Walker, grandson of the Inter-World Alliance’s late founder, expects to spend his first week as an Alliance employee hunting rogue monsters in the Passages, not solving his supervisor’s murder. However, the main suspect is a fierce young woman with dangerous magic from a world that should no longer exist… and the closer Kay gets to uncovering the truth, the higher the body count rises.

    The last thing Ada wants to do is help the infuriating Alliance guard who arrested her, but it soon becomes clear that the Alliance knows too much about Ada’s homeworld — and her magic. More, in fact, than she knows herself. One thing’s certain: she’s not the only one keeping secrets, and trusting the wrong person might cost more than her life.

    Store: test6


    kr 20kr 25
  • Antony and Cleopatra

    Store: test6

    Whom everything becomes,–to chide, to laugh,
    To weep; whose every passion fully strives
    To make itself in thee fair and admir’d!
    No messenger; but thine, and all alone
    To-night we’ll wander through the streets and note
    The qualities of people. Come, my queen;
    Last night you did desire it:–speak not to us.

    [Exeunt ANTONY and CLEOPATRA, with their Train.]

    Is Caesar with Antonius priz’d so slight?

    Sir, sometimes when he is not Antony,
    He comes too short of that great property
    Which still should go with Antony.

    I am full sorry
    That he approves the common liar, who
    Thus speaks of him at Rome: but I will hope
    Of better deeds to-morrow. Rest you happy!


    SCENE II. Alexandria. Another Room in CLEOPATRA’S palace.

    Store: test6

    Antony and Cleopatra

    kr 16kr 18
  • The ‘Mind the Paint’ Girl

    Store: test6


    [Contentedly.] Oh, jest as you like.


    [Moving towards the door.] In about a quarter-of-an-hour.


    If we don’t see you again, I’ll tell Lil you’ve been ‘ere.


    [At the door.] Oh, but you will; you will see me again.


    Well, please yourself and you please your dearest friend, as Lil’s dad used to say.


    Thank you– thank you very much.

    [He disappears, closing the door after him.


    [To ROPER, looking up.] I b’lieve you gave that young man the ‘int to go, Uncle.


    I did; told him I wanted to talk business with you.

  • Riders to the Sea

    Store: test6

    NORA The young priest says he’s known the like of it. “If it’s Michael’s they are,” says he, “you can tell herself he’s got a clean burial by the grace of God, and if they’re not his, let no one say a word about them, for she’ll be getting her death,” says he, “with crying and lamenting.”

    [The door which Nora half closed is blown open by a gust of wind.]

    CATHLEEN [Looking out anxiously.]

    Did you ask him if would he stop Bartley going this day with the horses to the Galway fair?

    NORA “I won’t stop him,” says he, “but let you not be afraid. Herself does be saying prayers half through the night, and the Almighty God won’t leave her destitute,” says he, “with no son living.”

    CATHLEEN Is the sea bad by the white rocks, Nora?

    NORA Middling bad, God help us. There’s a great roaring in the west, and it’s worse it’ll be getting when the tide’s turned to the wind.

    Store: test6

    Riders to the Sea

    kr 10kr 15

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